
Tau Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was chartered in May 1925 as the fourteenth graduate chapter and first in the New York Metropolitan area. Through the efforts of its members and their supporters, the Chapter engaged in various programs in the areas of education, economic development, health, and the arts.

In the latter part of 1967, members of Tau Omega Chapter’s Finance Committee realized that they could achieve “greater financial cooperation from Sorors and the general public if their donations to the Sorority were tax-deductible.1" With knowledge of the Internal Revenue code that states a “separate bank account1” and designation of funds for “scholarship or other charitable purposes,1” the committee began to create an organization recognized as a charitable entity under the Internal Revenue code.

In November 1968, The Tau Omega Charitable Trust Fund became the first Alpha Kappa Alpha affiliated entity to establish a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

The mission of The Charitable Trust was:

  • To receive funds and disburse funds to support the endeavors of community-based organizations.
  • To encourage the growth of young people through mentoring and financial support of their educational endeavors with the award of scholarships.
  • To receive cash, property, and securities by way of gift, bequest, or devise from any person, firm, trust, or corporation to be held, administered, and disposed of in accordance with the purposes of the Corporation.

Tau Omega Chapter maintained oversight of The Tau Omega Charitable Trust Fund until 2007. At that time a separate Board of Trustees was brought together to provide oversight of The Charitable Trust as it is routinely called. The new organization retained the name when it incorporated.

Maintaining the original mission of The Charitable Trust as the purpose of The Tau Omega Charitable Trust Fund, Incorporated when a New York State non-profit corporation was formed in 2012. This non-profit corporation continues the tradition of Scholarship, Service, and Support to Harlem, New York and the surrounding communities.

Today, the two separate organizations maintain a cooperative relationship to fulfill their mutual missions.

  1. December, 1967 Letter between Carey B. Preston, Administrative Director, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and Beatrice, Tau Omega Chapter, Chairman Finance Committee [] [] []